☆Prova da Arcádia Infernal
Type: Acessórios
Subtype: Anel / Anel de Metal
Used by character(s): Paladino, Atiradora, Torment., Retalh., Místico, Arcano, Sacerdote, Arqueiro, Mercenário, Bárbaro, Feiticeira, Espiritualista, Mago, Guerreiro
LV. 13
Physical attack 100
Magical attack 100
Level Required: 100

Price: 36.055 / 72.110
Stacked: 1
Bind, no shared stash allowed, cannot sell. (16407)
Item is a part of a complect "Neutralidade Celestial"

Decompose to: 10 Pedra Perfeita (Price: 50.000)

Destroyed to: 5 Pedra Perfeita

Used in craft for following items

Pedra Imortal
Recipe: N/A戒指回收2
Amount needed: 1

Items Addons:


MP +230

Crítico +3%

Acerto +50%

Nível de Guarda: +3

Item can be crafted
Recipe: Anel da Arcádia Infernal

Molde: ★Prova da Arc. Infernal

Insíg. de Ouro: Arc. Infernal (3)

Emblema Esmagado (12)

Gold: 3.000.000

Probability to create: 100.00%

Caçador Imortal

Reino das Trevas: 428 597 (28)

Caçador Imortal

Paraiso: 424 578 (19)