Type: 原料
Subtype: 2012国战奖励 / 战场代币

Price: 100.000 / 100.000
Stacked: 50000
No binding


Used in craft for following items

☆☆☆花醉三千客 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级01
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆血染斜阳红 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级02
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆何人共与醉 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级03
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆三界幻青莲 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级04
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆灯火阑珊 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级05
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆灭日九殇 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级06
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆剖月紫金夺 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级07
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆一将功成 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级08
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆肝胆两昆仑 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级09
Amount needed: 40

☆☆☆人面桃花 (80)
Recipe: GM北美_16品升级10
Amount needed: 40

Show All recipes

Item can be crafted
Recipe: GM北美_国战流通材料

军资通宝 (50)

Gold: 1.312.500

Probability to create: 100.00%


完美大陆-中陆: 550 675 (22)