Type: 原料
Subtype: 北美专用 / 普通材料

Price: 1 / 10.000
Stacked: 9999
No binding


Used in craft for following items

☆☆☆镇魂腰饰 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军法师腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆圣洁腰饰 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军羽灵腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆天行腰饰 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军妖精腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆神祭腰饰 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军巫师腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆轮回腰饰 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军魅灵腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆苍穹护符 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军羽芒腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆万劫护符 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军刺客腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆战神腰佩 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军武侠腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆霸者腰佩 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军妖兽腰佩
Amount needed: 10

☆☆☆涅磐腰佩 (101)
Recipe: GM北美升国服9军剑灵腰佩
Amount needed: 10

Show All recipes

Item can be crafted
Recipe: GM北美君之印绶兑换03


Gold: 10.000.000

Probability to create: 100.00%