Subtype: / ヘビーレッグ
Used by character(s): 騎士, 機工士, 月仙, 夜影, 召喚師, 剣士, 精霊師, 弓使い, 暗殺師, 妖獣, 妖精, 魂術師, 魔導師, 戦士
LV. 6
Physical Defense +689
Metal defence +295
Wood defence +295
Water defence +295
Fire defence +295
Earth defence +295

Str required 127
Agi required 29

Level Required: 50

Price: 648 / 15.314
Stacked: 1
Bind to character. (19)


Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 100%

Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 100%

Award from quest

暗夜の門チケット_Lv50 (50+)
8th初心者シリアル交換券(Lv50) (50 - 105)
2016台湾新規登録パック交換券(Lv50) (50 - 105)

Items Addons:


物理防御 +45

HP +40

力 +4~5