An Amazing Animal!


I don't understand why you lost so many good opportunities, now this is your last chance. He is going to send out a rare mount which never appears in Perfect World before, the horse is white from head to feet and has two angle wings, it's speed can reach +15 meter/second under acceleration status! This is your last chance, act!


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

Time Limit


Award NPC

Duke Blacke - "World" 576 659(22)

Duke Blacke - "World" 572 678(22)

Duke Blacke - "World" 575 646(22)

Duke Blacke - "World" 553 628(22)

Duke Blacke - "World" 545 679(22)

Duke Blacke - "World" 527 652(22)

Quest Info

Level: 0

Can give up

Repeatable after failure