- Maniacal Laughter -

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 1
No binding

Men laugh at my insanity, yet I laugh at their ignoance.
The graves of fallen emperors become the joyless, unadorned land farmed by the people.

Destroyed to: 6 Immortal Stone

Used in craft for following items

- Water Wears Down Rock -
Recipe: Con/Crit Lv6 Inscription Recipe
Amount needed: 1

- Northern Darkness -
Recipe: Int/Spd Inscript.Lv6 Rec1
Amount needed: 1

- Tears of Carmine -
Recipe: Con/P IMN Inscript.Lv6 Rec1
Amount needed: 1

- Oblivion Zen -
Recipe: Dex/Con/MaxHP Inscript.Lv6 Rec2
Amount needed: 1

Items Addons:


Constitution +25

Item can be crafted
Recipe: Con Lv5 Inscription Recipe

Inscription of Old Principles (54)

- Anarchy -

Probability to create: 100.00%

Heavenly Inscriptions II

Recipe: Lottery Con Lv5 Inscription

Scroll of Heaven's Mandate

Probability to create: 100.00%

Heavenly Inscriptions

Valley of Reciprocity: 392 554 (24)

Heavenly Inscriptions

World: 117 855 (38)

Recipe: Con Inscript.Lv5 Rec1

Inscription of Old Principles (54)

- Windy Tiger, Cloudy Dragon -

Probability to create: 100.00%

Heavenly Inscriptions II

Recipe: Con Inscript.Lv5 Rec2

Inscription of Old Principles (54)

- Passion -

Probability to create: 100.00%

Heavenly Inscriptions II