☆☆☆Tai Chi Armlets
Type: Armors
Subtype: Armlets / Bangles
Used by character(s): Yu Feng, Qiang Shou, Yu Xia, Ye Ying, Hun Ling, Jian Ling, Yu Ling, Yu Mang, Xi Shou, Yao Shou, Yao Jing, Wu Shih, Fa Shih, Wu Xia
LV. 15
Physical Defense +99
Metal defence +890
Wood defence +890
Water defence +890
Fire defence +890
Earth defence +890

Str required 71
Int required 204

Level Required: 134

Price: 624 / 79.520
Stacked: 1
No binding

Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 25%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 45%
Craft Rate with 3 socket(s): 25%
Craft Rate with 4 socket(s): 5%

Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 50%
Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 34%
Drop rate with 3 socket(s): 15%
Drop rate with 4 socket(s): 1%

Decompose to: 8 Perfect Stone (Price: 40.000)

Destroyed to: 4 Perfect Stone

Items Addons:


Chant Time -3% - 0.43%

Chant Time -6% - 0.22%

Def +118 - 6.47%

Def +118 - 6.47%

Metal Def +603 - 1.08%

Metal Def +603 - 1.08%

Wood Def +603 - 1.08%

Wood Def +603 - 1.08%

Water Def +603 - 1.08%

Water Def +603 - 1.08%

Fire Def +603 - 1.08%

Fire Def +603 - 1.08%

Earth Def +603 - 1.08%

Earth Def +603 - 1.08%

HP +150 - 3.24%

MP +290 - 2.16%

MP +290 - 2.16%

MP Recovery +6 - 0.65%

MP Recovery +6 - 0.65%

Strength +10 - 1.08%

Dexterity +10 - 1.08%

Intelligence +10 - 1.08%

Intelligence +10 - 1.08%

Constitution +10 - 2.16%

Constitution +10 - 2.16%

Eva +78 - 6.47%

Eva +78 - 6.47%

Durability +50% - 3.24%

Durability +75% - 2.16%

Attribute Requirements -10% - 4.32%

Attribute Requirements -15% - 2.16%

Unknown property (appraise to identify) +??? - 33.33%

Item can be crafted
Recipe: Tai Chi Armlets

Lumber Essence (4)

Black Jade

Yarn (3)

Probability to create: 3.00%