Interracial Love


Many years ago, the Yao Jing Linda fell in love with a Human warrior. Frightened by the thought of rejection, she bewitched and seduced him. For awhile, they were a happy, loving couple. But Linda began to question the true nature of their relationship. She decided to lift the charm laid upon him and, upon hearing the truth, the warrior fled. He was killed North of the tower of Ancient Wind-Gap by monsters. From that day forward, Linda, with a broken heart, fell to questioning her own nature and has fallen into a deep depression. Go and speak with her.


Gold: 25

Exp: 12500

SP: 5000

Reputation: 2


Ling Lan - "World" 378 536(22)

Quest Info

Level: 27+

Can give up

Repeatable after failure


Ask the Pharmacist (First)

Kill Pentapace Vipent

Report to Linda

Report to Pharmacist