Dream Guardian Scroll
Type: Materials
Subtype: Basic Materials / Guardian Scroll

Price: 1 / 2.400
Stacked: 9999
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)

Prevents you from losing EXP
and most items when your character dies.
Protects you against dropping DQ items
from the Assassin ability Spoils of War.
Consumed on death.

Award from quest

N/A17173的礼物 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A新浪的礼物 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A腾讯的礼物 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A奇虎360的礼物 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A多玩YY的礼物 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A多玩YY的礼物 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A网易的礼物 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A178的礼物 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A王者之歌礼包 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A网吧独享礼物 (35+) Amount: 5

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