Phoenix Genesis: Slaughter
Type: Accessory
Subtype: Ring / Might Ring
Used by character(s): Wildwalker, Edgerunner, Technician, Stormbringer, Duskblade, Mystic, Seeker, Cleric, Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Venomancer, Psychic, Wizard, Blademaster
LV. 16
Physical attack 180
Level Required: 100

Price: 150.000 / 300.000
Stacked: 1
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)

The ring for the 2016 Championship Champion!

Refine to increase [Physical Defense]
Cannot be decomposed

Destroyed to: 50 Mirage Celestone

Items Addons:


Physical Attack +70 - 12.5%

Vitality +10 - 12.5%

Critical Hit Rate +5% - 12.5%

Accuracy +50% - 12.5%

Atk. Level +3 - 12.5%

Atk. Level +3 - 12.5%

Spirit +30 - 12.5%

Spirit +30 - 12.5%

Extra Addons:

You have chance get them after creating items or identifying 'Unknown' status.

Critical Hit Rate +3% - 16.67%