Type: 武器
Subtype: 远程 /
LV. 12
Attack Speed 0.67
Attack Range 20
Physical attack 822-1527

Str required 54
Agi required 299

Level Required: 99

Price: 70.960 / 141.920
Stacked: 1
Binding type: BIND2 (64)

Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 90%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 10%

Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 90%
Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 10%

Decompose to: 16 完美石 (Price: 80.000)

Destroyed to: 8 完美石

Used in craft for following items

☆☆龙弓·轮回 (100)
Recipe: 黄昏一弓升级轮回武器配方01
Amount needed: 1

☆☆星群·轮回 (100)
Recipe: 黄昏一弓升级轮回武器配方02
Amount needed: 1

☆☆向云巅·轮回 (100)
Recipe: 黄昏一弓升级轮回武器配方03
Amount needed: 1

Items Addons:


物理攻击增长 +109

生命值 +225

体质 +16~17

Item can be crafted
Recipe: 回流服_武器_弓


Probability to create: 100.00%

万宝奇货商 似故

灵渡汀洲: 319 521 (4)

Recipe: 新副本99级弓1

子纯的光翼 (2)

子纯的丝鞭 (10)

黄昏印记 (20)

千机材 (30)

Probability to create: 100.00%


黄昏圣殿—经典: 351 597 (13)


完美大陆-中陆: 521 627 (23)