Type: 基本項目

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 100
No binding

Used in craft for following items

☆长风重盔 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿装重甲头盔
Amount needed: 4

☆长风披风 (85)
Recipe: 覆霜85级绿装重甲披风
Amount needed: 4

Recipe: 陀罗重甲兑换
Amount needed: 1

Item can be crafted
Recipe: 陀罗重甲

陀罗重甲碎片 (20)

古国精魄 (5)

Probability to create: 100.00%


覆霜城: 429 527 (25)

Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 飚煞陀罗 150 - , weak 土 2877663 15.7706
2 飚煞陀罗 150 - , weak 土 3597079 0.8333