☆☆Fronde pourpre
Sorte: Armes
Sous catégorie: Jet / Fronde
Used by character(s): Archer
NV. 16
Attack Speed 0.71
Portée 20
Ataque psysique 1415-2122

Force requise 62
Dextérité requise 395

Niveau requis: 129

Prix: 210.520 / 421.040
Stacked: 1
No binding

Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 100%

Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 100%

Decompose to: 70 Cosmolithe mirage (Prix: 350.000)

Destroyed to: 35 Cosmolithe mirage

Items Addons:


Force +1

Force +1

Force +1