Type: 兵器
Subtype: 月鎌 / 月鎌
Used by character(s): 月仙
Close Range
LV. 15
Attack Speed 1
Attack Range 3
Physical attack 458-762
Magical attack 833-1199

Str required 54
Int required 300

Level Required: 101

Price: 197.640 / 16.800.000
Stacked: 1
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)
Item is a part of a complect "蒼穹月"


Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 75%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 25%

Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 75%
Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 25%

Destroyed to: 30 完美石

Used in craft for following items

☆☆☆魔兵·蒼穹月 (101)
Recipe: 2014年上級勢力_重鋳_月仙月鎌
Amount needed: 1

Items Addons:


魔法攻撃増加 +100 - 2%

魔法攻撃の上限 +130 - 1%

HP +350 - 14%

MP +310 - 9%

力 +18~19 - 10%

敏捷 +18~19 - 10%

霊力 +18~19 - 10%

体力 +18~19 - 20%

クリティカル +1% - 9.5%

クリティカル +2% - 0.5%

物理ダメージ軽減 +2% - 5%

攻撃レベル +1 - 5%

攻撃レベル +2 - 0.5%

攻撃レベル +3 - 0.5%

防御レベル +1 - 2%

防御レベル +2 - 1%

Unique Addon:

Probability to have an unique addon: 100%

降魔レベル +70

Item can be crafted
Recipe: 2014年上級勢力_昇級_月仙月鎌

天沢聖典 (720)


Gold: 36.000.000

Probability to create: 100.00%


World: 164 332 (52)

Recipe: 2014年上級勢力_重鋳_月仙月鎌

天沢聖典 (8)


Gold: 500.000

Probability to create: 100.00%


World: 165 331 (52)