Type: 兵器
Subtype: 斧槌 / 双斧
Used by character(s): 戦士
Close Range
LV. 16
Attack Speed 0.83
Attack Range 3.5
Physical attack 1008-2351

Str required 305
Agi required 55

Level Required: 101
必要名声 300000

Price: 200.760 / 401.520
Stacked: 1
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)


Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 100%

Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 100%

Destroyed to: 40 幻仙石

Items Addons:


物理攻撃増加 +84 - 14.29%

物理攻撃上限 +154 - 14.29%

攻撃間隔 -0.05秒 - 14.29%

HP +500 - 14.29%

力 +25 - 14.29%

    自身の最大HPの5%を失う。 - 14.29%

攻撃レベル +70 - 14.29%

Extra Addons:

You have chance get them after creating items or identifying 'Unknown' status.

攻撃レベル +40 - 14.29%

Item can be crafted
Recipe: 2012年26品双斧

玄鉄精金 (36)

君の印綬 (578)


Gold: 90.000.000

Probability to create: 100.00%


World: 550 675 (22)

Recipe: GM北美升国服9军戦士武器

GM2015北美攻撃の魂 (100)

GM2015北美基礎の魂 (500)


Gold: 90.000.000

Probability to create: 100.00%


World: 549 675 (22)