Subtype: / ライトブーツ
Used by character(s): 騎士, 機工士, 月仙, 夜影, 召喚師, 剣士, 精霊師, 弓使い, 暗殺師, 妖獣, 妖精, 魂術師, 魔導師, 戦士
LV. 15
Physical Defense +513
Metal defence +795
Wood defence +795
Water defence +795
Fire defence +795
Earth defence +795

Str required 104
Agi required 104

Level Required: 100

Price: 57.375 / 114.750
Stacked: 1
No binding
Item is a part of a complect "輪回の光"

Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 10%
Craft Rate with 3 socket(s): 80%
Craft Rate with 4 socket(s): 10%

Drop rate with 2 socket(s): 10%
Drop rate with 3 socket(s): 80%
Drop rate with 4 socket(s): 10%

Decompose to: 30 完美石 (Price: 150.000)

Destroyed to: 15 完美石

Used in craft for following items

☆☆フラスグリーブ (100)
Recipe: 神月昇級輪廻防具三次昇級レシピ06
Amount needed: 1

☆覚醒・アスラブーツ (100)
Recipe: GM20品ヘビーアーマー腕
Amount needed: 1

☆☆幻風のブーツ (100)
Recipe: 弓使い神月防具靴
Amount needed: 1

☆☆幻海のブーツ (100)
Recipe: 暗殺師神月防具靴
Amount needed: 1

☆☆カリガオブナイトメアロード (100)
Recipe: 2014神月夜影新8階級レベルアップ靴
Amount needed: 1

☆☆天遠の吸ブーツ (100)
Recipe: 機工士神月昇級新8階級靴
Amount needed: 1

Items Addons:


敏捷 +6~10

移動スピード +0.2m/秒

物理ダメージ軽減 +1%

Item can be crafted
Recipe: 神月昇級輪廻防具三次昇級レシピ06

異象水晶 (2)


Probability to create: 100.00%


World: 675 169 (24)

Recipe: 神月昇級輪廻防具二次昇級レシピ06

異象水晶 (150)


Probability to create: 100.00%


World: 675 169 (24)

Sold in
Name Exists
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