Without Name
Type: Weapons
Subtype: Ranged / Bow
Grade 8
Attack Speed 0.67
Attack Range 20
Physical attack 291-421

Str required 36
Agi required 160

Level Required: 63

Price: 33.975 / 135.900
Stacked: 1
Bind to character. (19)
Item is a part of a complect "Egret"

Craft Rate with 0 socket(s): 50%
Craft Rate with 1 socket(s): 45%
Craft Rate with 2 socket(s): 5%

Drop rate with 0 socket(s): 60%
Drop rate with 1 socket(s): 40%

Items Addons:


Physical Attack +55 - 3.6%

Maximum Physical Attack +93 - 3.6%

Interval Between Hits -0.1 seconds - 0.58%

HP: +145 - 4.94%

MP +185 - 14.82%

Strength +2~3 - 1.3%

Dexterity +2~3 - 1.3%

Vitality +2~3 - 1.3%

Accuracy +118 - 2.83%

Evasion +142 - 8.89%

Reduce Physical damage taken +1% - 4.7%

Reduce Physical damage taken +2% - 2.65%

Requirement -10% - 11.67%

Requirement -20% - 11.3%

Unidentified +??? - 26.53%