Perfect World

Price: 0 / 200.000
Stacked: 10
Binding type: CASHITEM (8)

A marvelous invention of the Humans
that demonstrates a celebration of love and peace.
Right-click to activate.

Award from quest

New Year Firework Pack Coupon (0) Amount: 5
Turned Penguin King (20+) Amount: 3
Turned Penguin Queen (20+) Amount: 3
Turned Teddy Bear (20+) Amount: 3
Turned Cute Mouse (20+) Amount: 3
Turned Hehee Bird (20+) Amount: 3
Turned Rorong Rabbit (20+) Amount: 3
Elfling's New Year (30+) Amount: 3
Sold in
Name Exists
vender NPC for GM only 2 -
Mirrien, the Lady of Garment World - 528 681 (22)