- Falling Water -

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 1
No binding

MP Recovery+12
EXP Rate+4%
Water falls like three thousand steps,
True love is the one drop in three thousand.

Destroyed to: 4 Immortal Stone

Used in craft for following items

- Thirteen Guardians -
Recipe: Kaleidoscope Inscript.Lv5 Rec1
Amount needed: 1

- Void Mirror -
Recipe: Kaleidoscope2 Inscript.Lv2 Rec1
Amount needed: 1

- Heaven's Fragrance -
Recipe: Int/Con/CHN Inscript.Lv5 Rec2
Amount needed: 1

Items Addons:


MP Recovery +12

Experience +4%

Item can be crafted
Recipe: Inscript.Mag. Lv4 Rec1

Inscription of Old Principles (18)

- Lingering Twilight -

Probability to create: 100.00%

Heavenly Inscriptions II

Recipe: Inscript.Mag. Lv4 Rec2

Inscription of Old Principles (18)

- Aira of Sorrow -

Probability to create: 100.00%

Heavenly Inscriptions II

Recipe: Magic Lv4 Inscription Recipe

Inscription of Old Principles (18)

- Fragrance of Bloody Rain -

Probability to create: 100.00%

Heavenly Inscriptions II