Goodwill Wine
Type: Basic Items

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 999
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)

Time's passing won't lessen my love for you.
Summon Old Friend Reward. Can produce the item at the Perfect Event Manager place.

Award from quest

回归之礼! (0 - 90)
Return to the World! (0+) Amount: 25

Used in craft for following items

Qing Ji Lu
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情清寂露
Amount needed: 1

Booster Pill
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情结丹石
Amount needed: 1

Golden Introspection Stone
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情冥想金鳞石
Amount needed: 5

Excuse Letter
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情补签令
Amount needed: 2

4-Star Dragon Ball
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情四星龙珠
Amount needed: 2

5-Star Dragon Ball
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情五星龙珠
Amount needed: 7

Noctilucent Egg
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情骑宠
Amount needed: 10

Charger White Fog Stone
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情充能白雾之石
Amount needed: 2

Charger Yellow Sink Stone
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情充能黄沉之石
Amount needed: 4

Charger Fire Red Stone
Recipe: N/A2014千里传情充能火红之石
Amount needed: 2

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