Card: Cloud Guidance
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 1
Binding type: CASHITEM (8)

[This is a ticket for limited version permanent Flight!
Why not go flying! ]
Exchange: Bring this item to PW Gift Exchanger to exchange for a Flight.
(The Flight are tradable.)
Source: Auction Hall Group 3 sale.
Choose from:
Scroll of Truth(Human), Lamb of God(Beastkin), Ominous Raven(Wingkin), Flowing Rainbow(Tideborne), Shining Butterflies(Earthen),Love of Arbor(Moonshade)!
——Normal Speed: 3.3, Haste Speed: 6.3

Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
Card: Cloud Guidance 0 1 Required to activate quest
Cloud Guidance 0 1 Required to finish quest