Snow Plum Rare Fragment
Type: Basic Items

Price: 1 / 100.000
Stacked: 9999
Binding type: Do not drop (1)

Collect of these to combine 1 Snow Plum Rare Casket at Assi5 stant Wang Tsai.

Snow Plum Rare Casket

Right-click to obtain one of the following items:
One of the Soul Stones
One of the Goldfoils
One of the Dustfall Ultimate
Seal of the Board
Warsong Commander's Badge
Stone of the Jungle x6
★★Hand of Heaven Dominion
★★Hand of the Skystriker
Scroll of Heaven's Mandate
Slumbering Sacred Spirit
★★Matchless Wings
Ruler's Sigl
Xia Feng Command Sword
Perfect Doubleplus Scrip
Astrobana Pearl Ultimate x5
Platinum Amulet Box

The chance of getting each of the items is the same with
the chance of getting them in current Palette of Fortune:

Used in craft for following items

Snow Plum Rare Casket
Recipe: S1 Lottery Rare Pack
Amount needed: 5