Sinful Flame Haircut
Type: Fashion
Subtype: Headgear / Fashion Head
For male
LV. 8
Level Required: 1

Price: 1.000 / 1.000.000
Stacked: 1
Binding type: CASHITEM (8)
Item is a part of a complect "Sinful Flame Fashion♂"

Wearing this head piece will not change your original hair color.
Appearance won't change for Yao Shou.
As the lotuses burn in fire,
the wolf king is howling to the moon.

Can be purchased in Item Mall (Alt + O in game)

Sinful Flame Haircut

Tab: Fashion - Male (U-Z)

Price: This item may be unavailable in shop for now

Amount: 1

Award from quest

Sinful Flame (0)