Silk Pouch
Type: Basic Items

Price: 0 / 0
Stacked: 999
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)

Long night accompanies him with autumn raindrop falling outside.
Find President Nhevahya in Dragon City Square
or Ambassador Maomao in Dragon City for the exchange.

Used in craft for following items

Little Zongzi Egg
Recipe: n/a端午节_观赏宠
Amount needed: 66

War Avatar Pack S
Recipe: n/a端午节_战灵之源:S
Amount needed: 33

War Avatar Pack A
Recipe: n/a端午节_战灵之源:A
Amount needed: 6

Astrobana Pearl Lv2
Recipe: n/a端午节_星魂百纳丹2级
Amount needed: 6

Grand Master Designgraph
Recipe: n/a端午节_8品家园物品图纸
Amount needed: 16

Paragon Designgraph
Recipe: n/a端午节_9品家园物品图纸
Amount needed: 33

Virtuoso Designgraph
Recipe: n/a端午节_10品家园物品图纸
Amount needed: 50

Holy Pill
Recipe: n/a端午节_绝圣丹
Amount needed: 1

Golden Introspection Stone
Recipe: n/a端午节_冥想金鳞石
Amount needed: 2

Rainbow Lantern Yuanxiao (65)
Recipe: n/a端午节_大汤圆
Amount needed: 1

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