Flight Marker - Shadow Order
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 1
Binding type: CASHITEM (8)

Exchange ticket for limited edition Flight Devices.
Fly with me in a Perfect World!
To redeem: Take this to the Perfect Trade Official in
exchange for Limited Edition Flight Devices.
(Once claimed, the Flight Devices are tradable.)
Source Perfect Auction House
Tier Seven of the Limited Auction lots.
Exchange for one of the following Flight Devices:
Dragon Dive (Human)
Nightmare Moon (Beast)
Crimson Sky (Wing)
Glimmer Light (Tideborne)
Silky Dream (Earthen)
Base Speed: 3.3
Max Speed: 6.3

Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
Shadow Edict 0 1 Required to activate quest
Shadow Edict - Flight 0 1 Required to finish quest