☆☆Soaring Wings
Type: Adhesive
Subtype: Necklace / Flowing-Light Necklace
Used by character(s): Yu Feng, Qiang Shou, Yu Xia, Ye Ying, Hun Ling, Jian Ling, Yu Ling, Yu Mang, Xi Shou, Yao Shou, Yao Jing, Wu Shih, Fa Shih, Wu Xia
LV. 12
Dodge Rate 151
Level Required: 92

Price: 510 / 48.945
Stacked: 1
No binding

Destroyed to: 42 Perfect Stone

Items Addons:


Def +100 - 2.71%

Metal Def +157 - 3.61%

Metal Def +173 - 2.71%

Wood Def +157 - 1.81%

Wood Def +173 - 1.36%

Water Def +157 - 1.81%

Water Def +173 - 1.36%

Fire Def +157 - 1.81%

Fire Def +173 - 1.36%

Earth Def +157 - 1.81%

Earth Def +173 - 1.36%

HP +150 - 1.63%

Strength +6~7 - 2.26%

Dexterity +6~7 - 2.26%

Dexterity +7~8 - 1.94%

Intelligence +6~7 - 2.26%

Constitution +6~7 - 3.61%

Constitution +7~8 - 3.1%

Hit +89 - 4.07%

Hit +98 - 3.25%

Eva +125 - 2.17%

Evasion +10% - 1.08%

Durability +50% - 8.13%

Durability +75% - 5.42%

Physical Damage Reduction +1% - 2.17%

Unknown property (appraise to identify) +??? - 33.33%

Experience +1% - 1.08%

Experience +2% - 0.54%

Item can be crafted
Recipe: Accessory02 R1 Recipe

Golden Statue (8)

Constitution Ore

Stone of Scar Valley (3)

Light Stone (8)

Probability to create: 90.00%

Heaven-Tear Tripod: Craft

ChronoWorld: 369 515 (47)

Heaven-Tear Tripod: Craft

ChronoWorld 1 - Heaven's Tear: 369 515 (47)