Haunted Woods


That lunatic down in Pearl Cove claims that there are ghosts on the way to the Glowing Forest. How can I be expected to believe a crazy story like that? Nonsense! Yet, in spite of that... why do I find myself drawn to that place?


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

Vitae: 4462

Items Group


War Avatar Pack A

Barbaric Blood


Pearl Cove Madman - "a63???" 480 533(24)

Reqiured Quests

Food Shortage

Quest Info

Level: 0

Can give up

Repeatable after failure


Mad Mumbles (First)

Looming Shadows

Reseize the Protection Belt

Investigate the Remains

Inquiry the old friend

Ask the Commander

Inquiry the Eldest Matchmaker

Prince and Princess