Harmonious Defense


The materials needed for each Court are: Heavenly Court of Growth: Eye of Growth Illusion of Growth Heavenly Court of Fame: Sandals of Fame Staff of Fame Heavenly Court of Plenty: Sandalwood of Plenty Holy Light of Plenty Heavenly Court of Rule: Signet of Rule Royal Sword of Rule Turn in 50 pairs of materials to summon an Eidolon. You can summon up to 4 Eidolons in each room. (The Court of Fame summons 5 at a time, for a total of 20)

Active quest messages

The current turn in and summon counts:
Growth: %1 Eyes/%1 Illusions (%5 Eidolons)
Fame: %2 Sandals/%2 Staves (%6 Eidolons)
Plenty: %3 Sandalwood/%3 Holy Light (%7 Eidolons)
Rule: %4 Signets/%4 Swords (%8 Eidolons)
Turn in 50 pairs of materials to summon an Eidolon.
Spiritbeast Elites arrive in: %9 minutes
Only the Eidolons can harm the Spiritbeast Elites!
Please see the quest log for a detailed explanation.

Required to do

Quest Zone: (quest will fail if character will leave this square zone)

Clan H.Q.

Bottom Left Point: 432/-1000

Upper Right Point: 450/1000


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

Automatic started at point

Clan H.Q.: 441 414 (0)

Quest Info

Level: 0

Can't give up

Repeatable after failure
