Emperor's Enlightenment

Price: 1 / 1.000.000
Stacked: 1
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)

The equipment of the Light Emperor's Royal Guards are so well-crafted that
every warrior in the world would dream to use one. In the early years, the Frost Emperor
and the Elemental Apostles paid a huge sum of Dark Ice Crystals to trade for the recipe.
This recipe is designed by the Light Emperor himself.

Right click to use.
Only available in the Northern Realm.

Use to gain Royal Guard Gear for 1 hour.

Sold in
Name Exists
Divine Quartermaster Nikita a103??? - 261 544 (27)
Imperial Quartermaster Leonid a103??? - 537 548 (28)
IV Combat Grade Reward -
Imperial Quartermaster Leonid -
Divine Quartermaster Nikita -