Arcstar Dust: Light

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 9999
Bind, no shared stash allowed. (16403)

Collect a certain number of this item to refine it at Arigora Agent Khroatis.
You can trade for it with Arigora Coin from Arigora Agent Khroatis.

Glimmering star dust that reflects starlight.

Item can be crafted
Recipe: Exchange T18 Ring Material 1

Arigora Coin (2000)

Probability to create: 100.00%

Arigora Agent Khroatis

Western Continent: 366 586 (11)

Arigora Agent Khroatis

Western Continent: 333 618 (11)

Possible awards
# Name %
Arcstar Dust: Radiance 10.00
Arcstar Dust: Radiance 19.00
Arcstar Dust: Radiance 27.00
Arcstar Dust: Radiance 34.00
Arcstar Dust: Radiance 40.00