Tiger Directive


The Celestial Tiger Directive will only last for 20 minutes. Once it disappears, you can reacquire it from the Keeper of the Tigers. However, once you are on the Celestial Tigers quest, you won't be able to reacquire a Celestial Tiger Directive.


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0


Keeper of the Tigers - "World" 432 887(27)

Keeper of the Tigers - "World" 247 649(26)

Keeper of the Tigers - "World" 527 653(22)

Keeper of the Tigers - "World" 328 426(22)

Keeper of the Tigers - "World" 378 231(24)

Keeper of the Tigers - "World" 659 143(25)

Quest Info

Level: 0 - 30

Can't give up

Repeatable after failure



Celestial Tiger Directive (First)

Directive Disappears